Newest DOM Features =================== Some newest DOM features, which have not been implemented yet on browsers are available on WDOM. ParentNode and ChildNode Interfaces ----------------------------------- `appendChild` method add only one child node, but `append` method can append multiple nodes at once. Furthermore, strings are also available (strings are automatically converted to a Text Node). .. literalinclude:: samples/ Similarly, `prepend`, `after`, and `before` methods are available. Additionally, `remove`, `replaceWith`, `children`, `firstElementChild`, `lastElementChild`, `previousElementSibling`, and `nextElementSibling` methods/properties are also available on WDOM. Internally, these methods update view on the browser at once, so using these methods usually results in better performance. * References * [ParentNode | DOM Standard]( * [NonDocumentTypeChildNode | DOM Standard]( * [ChildNode | DOM Standard]( Custom Elements --------------- WDOM provides limited supports on custom elements (**experimental**). ### User Defined Custom Tags As an example, define `MyElement` as a custom tag ``. .. literalinclude:: samples/ Difference is a class variable `tag = 'my-element'`. To register `MyElement` class as a custom tag, use `document.defaultView.customElements.define()` method. .. note:: Formerly, ``document.registerElement`` method was used to define custom tags, but in the `latest specification `_ uses ``customElements.define`` method to reagister custom tags. WDOM supports the same method as the latest specification. `document.defaultView` property returns a reference to the window object, which is same as the `window` object of JavaScript on browsers. Now you can use the registered custom tag from `document.createElement('my-element')` or `innerHTML = ''`. Both these methods make a new instance of `MyElement` ### Extended Custom Tags WDOM supports to extend existing tags with `is` attribute. For example, to define `MyButton` or `DefaultButton` as a custom tag: .. literalinclude:: samples/ On the class statements, add class variable `is_` and specify the name of the custom tag. Class variable `tag` is a tag name to be extended, but in the above example, it is already defined in `Button` class. When registering the custom tag, pass the name (value of `is_`) at the first argument to `customElements.define` and pass dictionary which contains `'extends'` field to specify the tag name to be extended, at the third argument. After the new tag is registered, an HTML like `