Basic DOM Features ================== First Example ------------- Program to show `"Hello, WDOM"` on browser is: .. literalinclude:: samples/ Save and execute code and access `http://localhost:8888` by browser. Then, web page with `"Hello, WDOM"` will be shown. The four lines beginning from `document = get_document()` are very similar to JavaScript. `document` returned by `get_document()` is a Document Node, equivalent to `document` object in JavaScript on browsers. `document.createElement('{tag-name}')` generates new element with the given tag-name. `appendChild` method inserts the child node at the last of its child nodes. Not used in the sample code, by using `removeChild` method, one can remove the child node. Model of WDOM Elements ---------------------- GUI elements of the WDOM are composed of HTML tags (elements or nodes) on a browser. Usually they have one-by-one relationships: thus `document.createElement('h1')` returns one WDOM element, and it is rendered as an `

` tag on a browser. All WDOM elements have their own HTML representations, which can be obtained by their `html` property. Elements created by WDOM are all based on [DOM Living Standard]( and related standards ([HTML Living Standard](, [CSS Object Model](, [DOM Parsing](, and [Custom Elements in WebComponents]( As elements are modeled by DOM, you can add/remove/replace them as same as the way in JavaScript on browsers. Currently, not all of DOM features have been implemented in WDOM, but lots of frequently-used methods/properties are available. Implemented features are listed in [wiki pages at gihub]( ### Create New Element To make elements, WDOM provides two methods. One is `document.createElement` mentioned above, and the other is to instantiate classes defined in `wdom.tag` module. For details about the `wdom.tag` module, see :doc:`wdom` section. .. note:: Every element does not appear on browser until inserted to the DOM tree which roots on the document node returned by ``get_document()``. ### Append/Insert Node To insert nodes on the DOM tree, use `appendChild` or `insertBefore` method. `A.appendChild(B)` append the node B at last of child nodes of the parent node A. `A.insertBefore(B, C)` inserts new element B just before the reference node C. The reference node C must be a child node of the parent node A. These method names are quite long, so some methods specified in `DOM specification`_ are also available on WDOM: `prepend`, `append`, `before`, `after`, and `replaceWith`. Details about these methods are described in :doc:`new_features` section. ### Remove Node It is also able to remove child node from the DOM tree. `A.removeChild(B)` removes the child node B from the parent node A. If B is not a child node of A, it will raise Error. More simple method `B.remove()` is also available, see :doc:`new_features` section. ### Access Child/Parent/Sibling Nodes `childNodes` property returns list-like live-object which contains its direct child nodes. `firstChild` and `lastChild` property returns its first/last child node. On the other way, `parentNode` property returns its parent node. These properties are same as JavaScript's DOM. `nextSibling` and `previousSibling` returns its next/previous sibling node. If there is no corresponding node, all these properties return `None`. ### Attributes To get element's attributes like `class="..."` in HTML tag, use `getAttribute('attribute-name')` method. If called `getAttribute` to the attribute which does not exists, it will return `None`. To set or change attribute's value, use `setAttribute('attribute-name', value)` method. And to remove an attribute, use `removeAttribute` method. To obtain all attributes set for the element, access `attributes` property. This property returns dictionary-like abject `NamedNodeMap`. This object has attributes and its value as `{'attribute-name': value, ...}`. ### Special Attributes Some attributes are accessible via special properties, for exmaple, `` returns its ID attribute. Available properties will be found in [wiki page at gihub]( With `getAttribute` returns string or None, but attributes accessed via its properties return different types depending on its property. For example, `` return always string even if it is not set (in case id is not set, `` returns empty string, not None). Similarly, `element.hidden` returns boolean (`True` or `False`) and `` returns `CSSStyleDeclaration`. * References * [HTMLElement | MDN]( * [ | MDN]( * [ | MDN]( ### Style Attribute (CSSStyleDeclaration) `CSSStyleDeclaration` obtained by `` provides property access to its css properties. For example, ` = 'red'` makes element's color red. Some css properties including hyphen (`-`) will be converted to CamelCase name. For example, `background-color` will become ``. For more examples, please see [CSS Properties Reference]( Using HTML ---------- Making large applications with `appendChild` and `insertBefore` are quite difficult. So writing HTML and parse it to WDOM elements is sometimes useful. It can be done by `innerHTML` method, as same as JavaScript. An example to make large list is below: .. literalinclude:: samples/ .. note:: Assignment to ``innerHTML`` **removes all child nodes** and insert parsed elements. Each child nodes can be accessed via `childNodes` property, which returns list-like live-object, but not able to modify its values. `insertAdjacentHTML({position}, {html})` also parses HTML and insert new elements to the `position`. This method is also same as JavaScript's one, so for details please see [MDN Element.insertAdjacentHTML()]( or `DOM specification`_. `outerHTML` is not implemented in WDOM. Event Handling -------------- ### Reverse Text on Click WDOM's event handling is also same as JavaScript: .. literalinclude:: samples/ Run this code and click `"Hello, WDOM"`. Then it will be reversed. When clicked again, it will be reversed again and back to `"Hello, WDOM"`. `addEventListener('{event-type}', {handler})` method registers `handler` to the given `event-type`. In the sample code, `rev_text` function is registered to `click` event. Values available for event type are same as JavaScript's DOM, as listed in [Event reference | MDN]( When the `h1` element is clicked, registered function `rev_text` is called with a single argument, event, which is an Event object, though it is not used in the above example. ### User Input Event The below sample shows how to use event object: .. literalinclude:: samples/ In this sample, `textarea` element is added. When user inputs some text on the `textarea`, it will be shown as `h1` element. In the `update` function, `` has a reference to the element which emitted the event, in this case it is a `textarea` element. And, as same as JavaScript, a `textarea` element (and `input` element) contains its current value at `value` attribute. At the moment `update` function is called, `textarea.value` is already updated to the latest value. So the above code you can use `textarea.value` instead of ``. In the sample code, setting its value to `h1` element's `textContent`. .. _DOM specification: